“Considering the extravagant legacy that Lilith has led, it is clear that she represents an impeccable force. Today, Lilith has fully reemerged as a dark goddess in occult practices; dark not in a negative sense but in that she represents the taboo areas of life that contradict society’s expectations. She also represents darkness as the unseen and intuitive magic at the heart of all witches. She is the rebel, the wanton, and the lady of the beasts. She is the witch’s Goddess and is the exemplification of personal power.”
—Michael Herkes, The GLAM Witch

Lilith by John Collier
Lilith is one of the oldest known female spirits of the world. Her roots come from ancient Sumerian times, where she was considered a wind spirit and a sacred prostitute of sex cults. She was later adopted by the Hebrews as Adam’s first wife, who tried to oppress her. Lilith found the courage within to stand up for herself and fly away from paradise for a free life. In doing so, she was cursed by patriarchal society and referred to as a nocturnal night hag, succubus, and child killer. Despite the calculated attempts to shut her out and paint her as a horrific demoness, Lilith lives on.
Today, she has found a place of elevation as a quintessential Goddess, revered for her fierce independence, carnal appetite, and thirst for equality. In these troubled times, where differences have divided and oppressed, Lilith is needed more than ever to help elevate us to new heights. She teaches us to stand up to your oppressors and live your life unapologetically. She represents our deepest desires, our passions, the shadow self, self-worth, and creativity. She encourages us to live freely as our true selves, achieving spiritual fulfillment, empowerment, and unapologetic authenticity in our lives. She is the primal essence of a GLAM Witch!
Animals: Snakes, Owls, Cats
Colors: Black, Red, Pink, White
Crystals: Amber, Garnet, Geodes, Obsidian, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Smoky Quartz,
Herbs: Apple, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Datura (toxic), Jasmine, Jezebel Root, Lily, Lotus, Mugwort, Orchids, Patchouli, Pomegranate, Roses, Vanilla, Wormwood
Offerings/Other: Absinthe, Blood, Bones, Caves, Eggs, Feathers, Mirrors, Musk, Sand, Sexual Fluids, Snakeskin,

Original digital image including photography of the Burney/Queen of the Night relief from the British Museum.
“In Lilithian Witchcraft, the pentagram becomes more than a symbol; it is a spiritual tool that activates empowerment through the Great Lilithian Arcane Mysteries. Each point connects to an element, a Lilithian law, and one of five direct forms of magic—divination, shadow, glamour, sex, and protection.”
—Michael Herkes, The GLAM Witch
Glam is the root word for glamour. Glamour is luxury. Witchcraft is a spiritual luxury. Glamour is enchantment, and Lilith is the original enchantress. The first witch. It is from this that my practice of witchcraft took on the title of GLAM, an acronym for Great Lilithian Arcane Mysteries. The GLAM Witch is the path of a witch who embodies the essence of Lilith. One who cultivates confidence, sizzles with sensuality, and stands up to adversity. One that is authentically unapologetic in their life and spiritual path. Order my debut book that details the philosophies and practices of GLAM here.

© 2019 Michael Herkes, The GLAM WITCH
- Visioncraft is mental magic by way of spirit and the essence of our highest self. It connects to the concept of vision and Lilith’s elevation to a goddess in modern times. The goal of this point is to strengthen intuition and pay attention to the synchronicities of life through the Lilithian law of see it. Spirit manifests through ascension magic, an elevation achieved by accessing the realms of our higher self, unlocking our intuitive power, and going forth on the path ahead.
- Shadowcraft refers to shadow magic by way of water, an emotional element that provides nourishment and healing. It inspires one to dare, to push beyond fear, and symbolizes Lilith’s archetype as an outcast. The goal is to know thyself and embrace your truest natures, encompassing the Lilithian law of own it. Shadow magic involves the spiritual exploration of the shadow self—the part of us hidden away that we have lost contact with for fear instilled in us by society. Embracing the shadow can be an emotional, healing journey. It is the first step to developing authenticity and is linked to the emotional body of water.
- Glamcraft is glamour magic by way of earth, the element of formation that takes root in the pyramid point of silence. Physical form needs no words to transcribe a message. It provides a structure for the witch to stand. It connects to the concept of confidence with Lilith’s archetype as a femme fatale and enchantress. The goal of this point is to carry yourself with poise, thereby manifesting the Lilithian law of flaunt it.
- Lustcraft is sex magic by way of fire, an element of transformation and manifestation. It aligns with our passions and desires. It connects to the concept of will and Lilith’s archetype as a priestess of passion. Our passions and desires fuel the sacred flame burning within us, linking to fire through sex magic and the creative spark of orgasmic power. The goal of this point is to embrace your sexuality, learn to use it as a tool for manifestation, and ignite the Lilithian law of indulge in it.
- Bitchcraft is defensive magic by way of air, an element of clarity and thought. It connects to the concept of action and Lilith’s archetype as a rebel who has freedom of choice. The goal of this point is to learn the balance of magical fight and flight—when to defend, protect, or flee. Air is the swiftness and power of the astral blade, which slices by means of hexing, establishing impartiality and balancing the scales of justice in our favor. It is about standing up for yourself through the Lilithian law of defend it and having the knowledge of metaphysical fight or flight.
I developed an intricate sigil (to the left) that I use to represent the practice of GLAM Witchcraft. This sigil showcases enlightenment achieved through empowerment, confidence, authenticity, and sensuality. It starts as a pentagram acting as a representation of the practitioner; it also connects to each of the four elements and spirit. From the top point of the pentagram, a clockwise motioned spiral takes form as it lifts into an ascending, looping line. There are six loops representing each letter in Lilith’s name; it resembles a cursive capital “L” and is inspired by the Buddhist Unalome, which symbolizes the path of enlightenment and the twists and turns one must take to get there. I also see it as an ode Lilith’s serpentine kundalini energy—expanding from the practitioner, encircling the body, and weaving up into Lilith’s astrological glyph. The base of this glyph presents an equal-armed cross that represents the equality magnified by Lilith. It also represents the concept of “as above, so below; as within, so without.” The waning crescent moon sits atop this, symbolizing lunar energy, as well as the healing and transformative essence associated with this phase. The top features a pointed crown, a symbol of divinity and supremacy in regard to Lilith.